Complete Protein Baking Blend
EQUII proteins originate from traditional fermentation methods where our microorganisms break down starches and sugars (no different than cheese or yogurt making) to convert them into a “naturally” occurring non-GMO protein mass used to yield a highly nutritious protein.
Our solution makes it possible for bakers to create bakery products that are equally great in taste and deliver the rich texture that consumers love and a complete protein intake with all the amino acids our body needs.

EQUII Makes Balanced Bread
Oprah loves EQUII, your guests will too!
Mouth-Watering Industry Acclaim
EQUII has won the FABI® award for taste and innovation for our Complete Protein baking blend. This remarkable achievement highlights the company’s dedication to pushing culinary boundaries and reinventing the baking industry.

Become A Partner Today
It’s time to take your food service offerings to the next level. Partner with EQUII foods to find the best solutions to offer your customers complete protein, fewer carbs, less sugar, and Non-GMO ingredients.